Thursday, March 5, 2015

Book Review: To Catch A Wolf

To Catch A Wolf

To Catch a Wolf

by Lynn Red
My rating: 2 of 5 hearts


Isabel Taylor was more than a little frustrated when she answered a very vague job ad to be the personal assistant of a mayor in a town she didn't know existed. That was two years ago. Curvy, tough and with more than a little bit of a naughty streak, Izzy has long since gotten used to the weirdness of everyday life in Jamesburg... but she's fallen hard for Erik's rough charm....


Phew, I can't believe I actually made it through this book. At about 12% I had already given up on there actually being a coherent story line. Since I haven't read a book of this genre since high school (by way of Harlequin) I wasn't really sure what to expect and gave it a chance. Luckily, I'm not one to shy away from a challenge so I stuck it out to the end.

This book turned out to be another of the, what I call, glutton for punishment books. I haven't read a book this bad since Glamour. The primary difference between the two being that the latter was mainly plagued by editing issues. Nothing detracts more from an already failing story than a string of missing and misspelled words. To Catch a Wolf, suffered from much more than just a need for heavy editing. The plot in this book was predictable and not well developed. Although this was a fantasy novel many of the situations were highly unbelievable. I'm new to the world of shape-shifter books, however, I was always under the impression that once a wolf mate, his selected is his mate for life. In this book, Erik, the leading male character speaks of past "mates". This detracted from the main goal in the story. Why is it important that he hasn't made Isabel (Izzy) his mate if she's just one in a string? Granted, great effort is made trying to convince us that past mates were just booty calls and Izzy is the real thing... I didn't get that. It felt like the underlying storyline was just there to fill in the gaps between the steamy sex scenes. The lack of development on the storyline was seconded by a distressing lack of character development.

The characters were extremely shallow; this is mainly due to the fact that most of the time in the book is passed by having sex... not much room for actual conversation past 2-3 word coital utterances. Even after I finished the story I still didn't feel like I fully knew any of the characters, nor was I invested in their story. What little development there was (mainly to the main characters) left me thinking that Izzy was whiney and Erik a complete jerk. I can't say much about the other characters as their back stories were cursory at best and their introductions arbitrary. If forced to pick a favorite character I would go with Jamie; a were-bat side character who was thrown at us mid-story. In less than 20 pages, we are introduced to her, find out that she is Erik’s ex-girlfriend, and she single handedly saves the main characters' relationship. For such an important character to be introduced so randomly in the middle of the book was confusing. That being said, this book, as an erotic tale was highly effective.

Ok, so now for the good part. The sex scenes were definitely hot and told in great, but tasteful, detail. I definitely could feel a blush creeping up my face during many of the scenes. That was a huge plus for this book for me and why it ended up with 3 instead of 2 hearts. I could have done without the random interjection of the story line. The cover art (although the pose has been done to death) was sexy and appropriate. As it stands I can't recommend this book to anyone; not even the die-hard romance/erotic story fans. The editing (or lack thereof) and weak plot were just too flagrant.

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